Friday, December 30, 2011

North Korea Names Kim Jong-un Army Commander

North Korea Names Kim Jong-un Army Commander:
North Korea Names Kim Jong-un Army Commander:
North's kcna news agency said the appointment of political authority in the State's ruling Central Committee was meeting on Friday ' is a party.
 North Korea Names Kim Jong-un Army Commander:
KCNA said  "courteously membership organizations political times until smooth in the mouth much loved Kim Jong-un Senior Vice Chairman of the party's central military Workers of Korea assumed the commander ship of the Crown army, Korea People " as it is made by Kim IL on October 8.
North Korea Names Kim Jong-un Army Commander:
Kim Jong UN age and the North Korean kokemattomuuttaan have raised questions of the nation are engaged in the delicate negotiations in the outside of the nuclear program, and grappling with financial difficulties and for decades a chronic food shortage, about his leadership
 North Korea Names Kim Jong-un Army Commander:
Head of State Kim Yong-name said during the memorial service on Thursday, the North under the new leader would “march down along the path to the Songun taught by the great leader Kim Jong-ill”

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